We provide flexible options and payment plans to make your overall experience stress-free.
“The receptionist is super friendly and knows the dental vernacular so that most questions can be answered during the introductory phone call. She was very helpful with the insurance questions.”
Payment Options
Important Dental Terms
Dental Insurance Plan
- designed to reimburse you for a loss, the insurer carries the risk.
Dental Benefit Plan
- only set up to cover certain costs, will only cover some procedures fully, and pays a percentage of other procedures, some procedures are not covered at all.
*It is important to check with your insurance company to find out if a procedure is covered
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- dental plan that uses network of dentist who have agreed to provide dental services for set fees.
- the amount you have to pay for treatment before your plan starts to pay. Most plans do not require a deductible for preventive and diagnostic services.
*Most plans are based on a calendar year, so you pay a deductible each year
- you are expected to pay a percentage of the dentist’s charges or allowed benefit amount.
Annual Maximums
- the maximum amount a plan will pay during the plan year. You are responsible to pay anything over that maximum amount.
Pre-Existing Conditions
- your dental plan may not cover conditions you had before enrolling, even though you may still need treatment. You are responsible for paying for those procedures.
Assignment of Benefits
- you authorize the dental plan to forward payment for covered procedure directly to your dentist
Cost Sharing
- treatment cost is shared by plan and you. This can include: deductibles, co-payments, frequency limitations, annual maximums, and fee schedule to calculate benefit payments.
- dental services not covered by the plan.
Frequency Limitations
- list of conditions or circumstances that limit or exclude services from coverage. They determine how often a particular service is covered and are related to time or frequency. (The number of procedures permitted during a specific period).
Least Expensive Alternative Treatment
- the plan will only pay for the least expensive treatment if there are multiple options to treatment.